Seeking Natural-Looking Results?

Is Fat Transfer the Right Choice for Your Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation using fat transfer is an option for women wanting to enlarge the size of the breasts without the need for implants. The technique is commonly used during reconstruction of the breasts after a mastectomy or lumpectomy since it can often produce superior results to reconstruction using implants or flap procedures alone. It is also an effective correction option for breasts that are misshapen or underdeveloped due to genetic problems such as tuberous breast or Poland Syndrome. It is especially useful at improving upper pole fullness.

Dr. Barrett is skilled in performing this procedure for patients desiring fuller breasts and have natural fat cells in other areas that can be used for the transfer process. The following scenarios are also reason to consider fat grafting to the breast:

  • Chest area, especially the upper pole, that appears creased or sunken
  • A desire for more permanent correction without having to use implants
  • A goal to improve the body contour, revise scars, eliminate skin depressions and rejuvenate the natural curves of your breasts
  • Contour irregularities or other apparent signs of breast implants

To qualify for this procedure, you will need to be in good health and have sufficient fat in another area that can be used to augment the breasts. A single fat transfer procedure can usually increase breasts by approximately one-half cup size. Women that want to go larger may need an additional fat transfer treatment or a combination of implants and fat transfer to produce the desired result. Dr. Barrett will take ample time to assess you and your goals to determine whether breast augmentation using fat transfer is the right choice for you.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation Using Fat Transfer

There are different reasons why patients might choose the fat transfer process for their breast augmentation over implants:

  • Ability to sculpt two or more areas of the body at one time
  • Two steps are completed in a single surgical session
  • Fat transfer tends to feel and look more natural than an implant
  • The injectable process does not leave residual scarring on breasts
  • No worries over implants rupturing or causing other complications

Breast augmentation can be performed with either breast implants or fat transfer taken from another part of the body. Implants tend to provide more robust and defined augmentation and the procedure is generally less expensive. Fat transfer takes more time, can be more expensive, can have less robust and predictable results, but is a more natural way of augmentation. You must have fat somewhere else to be used for the fat transfer.

The three main options for incision for breast implant surgery are periareolar (on the lower border of the nipple), inframammary (the lower breast crease), or transaxillary (through the arm-pit).

The most common complications of breast augmentation include but are not limited to capsular contracture (internal scar tissue formation around the implant), Reoperation (Implants do not last forever and may need to be replaced), ruptured implant, seroma/hematoma (either fluid or blood collection inside the breast), wound dehiscence, infections of the wound or implant, asymmetry, pain, loss of nipple sensation, altered nipple sensation, skin necrosis, rippling, poor scarring, sagging or malposition.

The majority of breast augmentation patients need one week of downtime. Depending on the work environment (heavy lifting, etc) more time off may be necessary. Patients are encouraged to walk immediately after surgery to avoid blood clots in the legs.

Have your current weight and chest measurements including current bra size. Put together a collection of photos of breast shapes and size that you desire. In addition, find a picture where the breasts are too big, find a photo where the breasts are too small.

This depends on the type of implant or whether you plan to have fat transfer. Fat transfer is a longer operation and involves liposuction that costs more. Saline implants are less expensive than silicone implants.

Find out more about Natural Breast Augmentation.
